Kartu kredit, nomor jaminan sosial, biodata, dan sebagainya. kenapa harus diamankan ? jika informasi tersebut jatuh kepada tangan yang salah atau anda kurang berhati-hati dalam membagikan informasi di dunia maya, maka informasi anda tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan oleh cyberstalkers, pengiklan dan peretas. jika anda benar - benar perduli dengan data anda ada alat dan tekhnik yang dapat di manfaatkan.
Pentingnya privasi dan keamanan di dunia digital
Mungkin anda tidak menyembunyikan apapun, akan tetapi masih banyak hal mengenai data pribadi yang harus anda lindungi didunia digital, seperti nomor telephon anda, komputer anda, ponsel anda, akun online, rekening bank, sistem keamanan rumah anda, bahkan rumah anda.
pada tahun 2018, ada sejumlah pelanggaran yang sangat signifikan, secara kolektif pelanggaran tersebut mempengaruhi orang sedunia, mungkin anda salah satunya. beberapa data menyebutkan beberapa kasus peretasan terbesar pada tahun 2018, yang meliputi perusahaan telepone, e-commerce, dan raksasa media sosial.
T-Mobile: Hackers stole personal data belonging to T-Mobile customers. 2 million users affected.Cathay Pacific Airways: A data breach containing passport information, credit card numbers, and email addresses. 9.4 million users affected.Ticketfly: A hacker exploited a vulnerability in the website which led to a leak containing names, home addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers. 27 million users affected.Facebook: Attackers gained access to millions of highly sensitive data. 29 million users affected.Google+: A bug in Google's software exposed customer data to the internet. Fortunately, there were no reports of hackers discovering this vulnerability. 52.5 million users affected.Quora. A data breach that led to leaks containing names, email addresses, encrypted passwords, and data from user accounts. 100 million users affected.
database bukan lah satu-satunya cara yang dapat membahayakan privasi dan keamanan digital anda, seolah - olah identitas pribadi anda tidak memiliki nilai yang berharga. akan tetapi peretas dapat menemukan cara dengan menargetkan teman dan saudara anda melalui profil online yang anda miliki. dan ada masih banyak cara lain untuk menyalah gunakan informasi yang anda bagikan secara online, berikut beberapa data yang terjadi :
Cyberstalking: This type of harassment is a real possibility for anyone with an online presence. In more extreme cases, hackers may find themselves in a position to blackmail the victim, upload their information to prostitution websites, or even locate them at their place of work and home. Worse still, children are often targetted by cyberstalkers.Doxxing: Another form of internet harassment, where hackers will publicly disclose personally identifiable information belonging to a victim on public websites. Data found in doxes usually include full names, social security numbers, spouse and children personal information, home addresses, phone numbers, email address, passwords, and much more. This information is shared with the intent of other hackers abusing the data and further harassing the victims.Identity theft: The recent Equifax hack put millions of people at risk of identity theft. And that's just one example of a massive data breach. Every single day, hackers target individuals in an effort to steal identities. Becoming the victim of such a hack can cause catastrophic or permanent damage to a person's life.Internet service providers: ISPs have become increasingly aggressive about abusing customer data. It's not uncommon for ISPs to sell customer data, embed supercookies into web traffic, inject code into websites without consent, as well as use spyware and crypto miners.Government agencies: Governments around the world have worked independently and cooperatively to create spying programs designed to harvest and analyze data on a global scale such as ECHELON, XKeyscore, FASCIA, and PRISM. Disclosed by Edward Snowden over five years ago, PRISM is still in full effect. Journalist Glenn Greenwald highlights some of the risks of government spying and combats the "I've got nothing to hide" argument in a TedTalk.
Kiat - Kiat Keamanan informasi
Keamanan informasi ini dapat diterapkan semua orang, kiat - kiat ini sedikit merepotkan bagi anda akan tetapi memiliki kemungkinan dalam hal menggagalkan usaha seorang peretas.
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